Our team

Kristallen's members have many years of knowledge in the field of gemstones and goldsmithing. Our staff members have a Journeyman's Certificate in goldsmithing and a Master's Certificate in gemstone cutting and goldsmithing, as well as a number of diplomas and certificates from internationally recognised institutes such as Gem-A.

Agne Söderström

Agne, who founded Kristallen together with his wife Barbro Söderström, was awarded
Sweden's first Master Certificate in stone grinding in 1996. Agne is often around at the company even if he retired some years ago. Barbro unfortunately passed away in 1999.

Jenny Söderström

Jenny is Kristallen's CEO and daughter of Agne and Barbro. Jenny is a trained FGA gemmologist and has training in stone cutting. She is usually the first person you meet when you visit Kristallen.

Göran Söderström

Göran attended our stone cutting courses, he has a Journeyman's Certificate and Master's Certificate in goldsmithing. He is responsible for our courses in goldsmithing and stone processing, and works with our collections and on commissioned work.

Carola Skum

Carola has a Journeyman's Certificate and Master's Certificate in goldsmithing. She works with our goldsmith and silversmith students and makes jewellery for our collection and commissioned work.

Birgit Olofsson

Birgit has training in stone grinding and works administratively with us.

And more...

We also have a wide network of people whom we often call on for lectures and other specialised assignments.